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Odds are good that if you create a financial plan today, reduce your debt and begin saving regularly, you may be able to live more comfortably, with less worry and maybe even retire as a millionaire. Set some realistic goals about how you would like to live now and in the future. Begin learning about how to manage your money better, and develop a financial plan that will help you achieve your goals - even if you're living paycheck to paycheck.


Lead Generation or Bankruptcy

Whether it is a business lead, insurance lead, life insurance leads, mlm leads, market leads, or a mortgage leads the same principles apply to lead generation. If there isnt any your business will stagnate and maybe you will be registering chaper 11 bankruptcy. Sorry to be so dramatic, but some of you need shaking out of your comfort zone.

1. The first aspect of lead generation is your why? Without a why the how is pointless as you will never be motivated to put the necessary action in. Without successful lead generation your business will eventually disappear, so I hope the following articles are useful to you and I wish you all the success you are prepared to work for.

Your dream or why: You need to define Your dreams and set a goal. Having a goal is the most important thing in the business of lead generation. The `how To`s` are very simple to learn, but the reason `why?` is what motivates you to do anything. A. How much extra would you like to make? Immediate need per month. In two years time.

In five years time. B. What would you like, and when would you like to achieve them? Your top 5.

Write them down. Its fun to dream try It! New home, church support, heated swimming pool, charity donations, boat,sailing yacht, narrow boat,care of parents, travel and gifts for family & friends. Some new furniture, continuing education, live-in domestic help, Donations for community/school projects, microwave oven,family vacation, remodel kitchen time to be with my family and a motor home. What about a caravan, get out of debt, snow skiing trip, weekly hairdo and manicure, gardener, to be able to eat out often, new wardrobe, diamonds, piano, pleasure horse, vacation home or maybe a motivation or management course. You might like a tennis court, learn a foreign language or a deep sea fishing trip, a retirement income and investments, financial independence, peace of mind, a cruise in the Caribbean or even a sauna.

You could even purchase an ipod, juke Box, publish a book of dad`s poems, have free time for sports, an outdoor barbeque area, gymnasium, state of art computer, shop til you drop, new car and donations for community projects Whatever your immediate dream is, visualize it by cutting out pictures and putting them on your mirror or refrigerator or in your car where you will see them many times a day. Go dream building: Look around shops, visit travel agents and clothing shops, wander through display homes. It`s a great way to meet people and part of your lead generation. Think big and don`t let anybody steal your dream! Successful lead generation will follow the size of your dream.

DrS has successfully been in sales over 30 years. He believes you can lead a horse to water but cannot make him or her drink it. Unless you put salt in the oats. The salt is your why (or maybe what you do not want out of life). More information on this subject can be found on lead generation at my website which is at http://www.lifeinsuranceleads.eu

Money Management

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